

Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that boosts your natural collagen to smooth wrinkles and firm skin. Results can appear in as little as one month and last up to two years, with 95% of patients reporting a noticeable skin glow. By gradually restoring skin volume and structure, Sculptra effectively addresses fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging caused by collagen loss.

Pre & Post Care


  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours before treatment

  • Minimize or pause (with your doctors approval) blood thinning medications such as asprin, ibuprofen, or naproxen 7-10 days before treatment.

  • 3-5 days before, avoid harsh exfoliants, retinoids, or chemical peels.

  • Arrive with clean skin. Do not apply makeup, lotion, or sunscreen on the day of your appointment.


Massage the area FIVE times per day for FIVE minutes for FIVE days post treatment.

  • Moderate swelling and bruising will be evident for the first 7 days. Ice as often as needed and apply arnica generously to affected areas.

  • Avoid strenuous activities for 7 days.

  • Avoid hot howers, tanning beds, steam rooms, and saunas for 10 days.

  • Avoid any facial or laser treatments for a full 14 days.

Sculptra® FAQs

  • The improvements from Sculptra are gradual and long-lasting. Many patients enjoy enhanced skin quality and firmness for up to two years, though individual results can vary based on factors like aging, lifestyle, and skincare routine.

  • Results typically start to appear within a few weeks, with gradual improvements in skin texture and volume as collagen production increases over time.

    Average time for full visual results is five months.

  • $800 per vial.
    Number of vials will vary depending on the patient.

  • Sculptra is a minimally invasive procedure with little to no downtime. Most patients can resume their normal activities immediately, though you may be advised to follow specific post-care instructions to optimize results.

Take your first step toards refreshed, youthful skin